
"A History of the Jews" by Paul Johnson

“A History of the Jews” by Paul Johnson is required reading for my degree program, and wow, is it fascinating. He offers great evidences for the historical reality of biblical characters, and amazing insights into the cultural context in which the events of Genesis took place. But what would be REALLY fascinating, I think, would be to see a chart of the prevailing theories about the historical identities of biblical characters and timelines of biblical events, with the supporting evidences of each.

Anyhow, anyone interested in biblical history should pick up “A History of the Jews.” I’m not very far into it yet, but have learned more in 30 pages than I have in years of scattered study. In fairness, I’ve heard most of it before in some form or fashion, but Johnson consolidates it into an utterly readable and reasonable narrative. I didn’t want to put it down–but seriously, if I don’t go to bed soon, I am going to pass out. 😛

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