
Simulcasting, Shacking Up, and Very Bad Blogging

I will be the first to admit that I have been a Very Bad Blogger lately. I gave myself permission to put my online presence aside for Lent, but by the time Easter rolled around, I had other things to tackle before I flung myself back into the blogosphere. Like–well–Easter. And kidney stone comebacks. And the Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing (which was AWESOME!).

Anyway, I’ve missed you all, and am happy to be back!

This coming Sunday I have theĀ privilegeĀ of speaking at my church about how living together (a.k.a. shacking up) hurts women and children. And can I just say, the statistics are HORRIFYING. I’ll be posting some of them here over the next couple days.

If you want to watch the message live, you can tune in here at 8:30 or 11 am CST this Sunday (but only if you promise to pray that I won’t hyperventilate!). You’ll also be able to find the audio here a few days after the service (Wednesday-ish?).

Anyway, your prayers are appreciated as I prepare. Please pray that God will use me, that the Holy Spirit will speak through me, and that people will draw closer to Christ and be healed. And oh yeah–that I won’t hyperventilate!

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