
Where Were You, Guys? Why I’m Watching #HalfTheSky With My Husband and Teenage Son

I didn’t know whether to cheer or cry as I perused my Twitter feed last night. #HalfTheSky was everywhere, and for a couple hours, Twitter was a bit like a big tent revival, with the faithful recommitting themselves to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.

But out of the 700+ writers, pastors, leaders, world changers, and all-around cool people I follow on Twitter, I only noticed 2 men tweeting #HalfTheSky. And one of them was Nicholas Kristof.

Granted, I follow more women than men. And I probably missed some Tweets. But seriously, guys? Where were you?

Still, I’m thankful for the wake-up call. Perhaps, in our zeal to mobilize women against what Kristof and WuDunn rightfully call “the moral issue of this century,” we have forgotten to include our brothers. Our husbands. Our sons. Our friends.

I know I have. I led a study on Half the Church, but it was only for women. I’ve talked about Half the Sky with my girlfriends, but not my sons. And while I advocate for women in my writing, I haven’t given a lot of thought to how I can intentionally engage male readers in the issues facing their sisters.

There’s no such thing as women’s issues, really. When women are oppressed, when they are devalued, abused, disparaged and cast aside, all of humanity suffers. I know that many men care deeply about these issues. Maybe they just need us women to assure them that they are invited to the anti-oppression, anti-abuse, anti-trafficking party? That we want them working alongside us, that it wouldn’t be the same without them, that we’re never going to get there without both men and women bringing their full strength, courage and commitment to the task at hand?

Let’s change the world, and make this century the one where women and girls around the globe finally get a fair, fighting chance. But let’s do it together, women and men, girls and boys, spurred on by Christ’s compassion, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and doing it all for the glory of God.

Wouldn’t THAT be something to witness?!

Since I don’t have cable, I wasn’t able to watch the first part of Half the Sky last night–I had to wait until it was posted online today. But now I’m glad. Pre-Twitter-epihany, I would have watched it alone, while my sons played video games and my husband worked. Now, I’ll make a big batch of popcorn, and everyone old enough will watch it together.

So. Who are you watching Half the Sky with?


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