
Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles

What does the gospel make possible for women? Do we have to stay hidden away in the shadow of the curse, as if our silence and subservience could atone for the sin of the first woman’s fall, or are we called to live in the light of the resurrection?

I am so excited about my friend Suzanne’s recently released book, Reclaiming Eve, and I was even more excited when I realized she was creating a series of video shorts about eight New Testament women whose lives were radically changed by Jesus and the kingdom he inaugurated.  I knew I had to share them with all of you, and Suzanne graciously agreed to let me post them here. But by all means, follow her blog and pick up her book! The first video short is about Mary Magdalene, the apostle to the apostles.

Follow the “How does the gospel reclaim Eve?” video series and other posts at

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