
The Princess and the Pea Hits eHow

So, after submitting a super-fun article to Demand Studios and realizing that what I wrote was not at all what they were looking for (evidently they wanted a building plan???) I re-titled my article “How to Decorate a Princess Bed” and posted it on my sorely neglected eHow account. I’ve been a bit dubious about spending much time writing for eHow, although other writers say it can bring in decent residual income if you choose your topics well. Still, it might be a good place to stick Demand Studios goof-ups (and when you’re writing about somewhat ambiguous titles, they DO happen) or scratch out a couple just-for-fun ideas.

I posted two eHow articles a couple months ago, before I had any idea how the process worked, that have netted me about two dollars, LOL. 🙂 But maybe if this article makes any money, I’ll consider posting more.

Incidentally, anyone can post articles on eHow, no application, resume, or writing clips necessary. You can write about whatever you want, from How to Make a Turkey Even Turkey-Haters Love to How to Lower your HELOC Rate, and while you can’t expect to make a fortune off of it, there ARE people who bring in a couple hundred dollars a month in residual income from eHow. If you’re interested in making money writing for eHow, make sure to check out Willow Sidhe’s blog The Freelance Home Writer. She’s been writing a lot of clear, practical tips about how to make money writing for eHow lately. Great stuff.

So, if you want to see an example of an eHow article, you might as well check out “How to Decorate a Princess Bed.” 😉 And if you’re interested in joining eHow yourself and actually making money off your articles, hop on over to Willow’s blog at The Freelance Home Writer and read, read, read.

In other news, I’m weighing out whether or not I want to start another blog exclusively about my adventures (and misadventures!) in writing, or keep my personal life and career as unsegregated as they are in real life. 😀 Hmm…not sure…

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