
The Conservative Bible Project? Oh No They DI’INT!!!

You had to know it was coming. I’m just shocked that anyone calling themselves Christians could be so brazen about their agenda.

The Conservative Bible Project is, evidently, the backlash against “politically correct” translations of scripture. It will, among other things, “provide a framework against liberal bias,” “utilize powerful conservative terms,” “express free-market parables,” and, most importantly, “debunk the pervasive and hurtful myth that Jesus would be a political liberal today.”

Ironic that they admit “the project can adapt quickly to future threats from liberals to biblical integrity.”

Oh. My. God. (And I mean that literally.) I mean, it’s not like our culture hasn’t already turned Christianity into a three-ring circus, a freak-show parading political pundits from every end of the spectrum, but this is just SO over the top.

Anyone else feel the sudden urge to learn Greek and Hebrew?

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