
Dogs in Boyland

It’s astonishing how much young male dogs act like young boys.

So, I came home from my vacation to find that my twins (Oberon and Apollo–Apollo decided to take an extended vacation in Obie’s yard for the winter, and I doubt if he will be going home) had not been behaving themselves at all in my absence. Oberon had a nasty gash under his eye, and came waddling out of their enclosure looking like he had gained all the pounds a rather emaciated-looking Apollo had lost.

Evidently there had been a scuffle, and Obie, despite all appearances, had won handily. Having reaffirmed his position as top dog, he decided not to let Apollo eat. :-z

I separated them, putting Apollo in the front section of the enclosure that had been penned off this fall, so they could hang out, but not fight. Four days later, they’re both looking closer to their appropriate weights, and Obie’s cut is healing, now that his brother isn’t licking it constantly.

The front section, however, lacks the electric fencing that is actually what keeps the dogs in–the fence is just a little wire deal that is easy to dig out under. And now that Apollo is feeling a little more–erm–robust–dig out he did.

Now, this was not a big deal in and of itself. I went outside, slipped a rope around his collar since my kids seem to think that leashes are fantastic playthings and are always dragging them to goodness-knows-where or leaving them to be chewed up by the dogs.

Even fixing the fence shouldn’t have been a big deal. All I had to do was drag a couple logs off the numerous piles all over our property and stick them at the base of the fence, to keep Apollo in until he’s a touch fatter and Obie’s gash has healed over.

But, trying to get ANYTHING done while you’re holding a young-ish Golden Retriever, and the other one is barking and crying because his brother is getting all the attention and he is getting none, and an ancient poodle/shitzu mix is mincing around peeing and pooping everywhere the young interloper has been, and four boys are zipping around you on scooters and skateboards and bicycles and pushing each other down hills in jogging strollers?

Oy. I’m really, really considering getting some laying hens this summer, if for no other reason than to have a few more females around. 😀

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