
Urgent Request! Stop Child Trafficking in Haiti

Hi friends, I have an urgent request for you.

Jeff Goins has been popping up all over the blogosphere for the last several months, but I remember him as the sweet, red-headed guitar player from one of the CTI Music Ministries teams my husband trained back in the day. A nice kid, real sharp, with natural leadership skills.

The organization he works for recently found out that an orphanage they had been working with in Haiti has been trafficking children. Needless to say, they are devastated. The orphanage’s director is in jail, but the 75 children living in the orphanage are still in horrible danger, due to government corruption. We need to apply some pressure and get those kids to safety.

Please read Jeff’s post, sign the petition, and do whatever you can to raise a ruckus and get this information in front of anyone who can help. I know it’s easy to get “compassion fatigue”–there are so many things wrong, so many battles to be fought. But starting with the people in our circles and the things that impact them is as good a way as any to start.

Thanks so much!

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