
Some Exciting News for Women Writers!

Are you familiar with the Redbud Writer’s Guild, an amazing group of female communicators committed to “fearlessly expanding the feminine voice in our churches, communities and culture”? Redbud and the women I met through it, in our online groups, at retreats, and at meet-ups around the country, has been one of the great joys of my life, not to mention a huge professional boon. So I’m super-excited to make two fun announcements about Redbud.

First, I am the new manager of the Redbud blog! It’s been quiet for a while, but over the next month of so, we’ll start cranking things up with a couple posts a week, plus special features, fun giveaways, and new ways to receive your content. If you are a writer, speaker, or someone who cares about expanding the feminine voice, you need to check it out! Hop over to the Redbud Blog, look around the site, and subscribe! (New subscription options coming soon, for those who prefer different methods of delivery.)

The second announcement is that Redbud is accepting new members again! Seriously, I can’t begin to tell you what a blessing being a “Bud” has been in my life–if you are a female writer or speaker, checking out Redbud might be one of the best thing you can do for yourself. Read this post by Shayne Moore (author of Global Soccer Mom and Refuse to Do Nothing), and consider applying for membership!

Oh, and did I mention that the Redbud Blog is accepting guest posts? If you have a something to say about writing or expanding the feminine voice, shoot me an email at You don’t have to be a Bud to test out your voice on the blog!

So, in conclusion, Redbud, Redbud, Redbud! 😀 See you there!

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