
Angry e-mails to the gods of technology

I am usually not one to write angry e-mails, but was on the receiving end of my wrath last night. Now, Writer’s Market has had the corner on literary listings for longer than I’ve been alive, and there was much rejoicing in the writing community when WM put their databases online, so we didn’t have to buy those big clunky tomes every year. But WM “upgraded” last month, and while they claim it’s a good thing, I wouldn’t know, because I haven’t been able to access my information since.

There was a big banner across the front of the site thanking their members for their patience and telling us to hang in there, etc, so I figured fine, I could wait it out. I typed information on my submissions into the part of the site that was pulling up, figuring I could fix it later, decided that I should be tracking my submissions in hard copy as well, just in case.

So yesterday, I went shopping, and bought an agenda specifically for tracking my submissions. I got home around 10pm, checked my email, did a little work for a client, then decided to copy the submissions I had scribbled into the wrong part of Writer’s Market into my notebook, just to have it done and off my mind. So I logged into my account…

And they told me it had expired.

Interesting, since I am on the monthly debit plan, which is supposed to renew automatically until I cancel it. I grumbled about the inconvenience and got my wallet, then clicked on the link to renew my subscription, and surprise! The price had gone up!

*gnashes teeth*

I entered my credit card info anyways, but the computer told me I could not add to my account without a user ID, whatever that means. I tried again, no luck.

I sent an angry email. But they SO deserved it.

The gods of technology have turned against me, that’s the only way to explain it. Office 2007. Windows Vista. iTunes. And now

Next time, I am SO buying a Mac!

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