
More randomness.

Notes from the Jennyland:

So a week or so I was praying (really, really hard!!! :-D) about financial concerns, considering whether I should go get a “real job,” and now I am innundated with writing work! Awesome! Disorienting, but awesome. I am scrambling to find my footing and come up with a workable schedule, (because as I posted before, working from home is a bit more complex than it sounds, particularly with little people underfoot,) but I am keeping up with everything, except…

The half-eaten apples that rolled under my children’s beds have evolved into sentient beings and joined forces with the dust bunnies, who are plotting a hostile takeover of my home. My writing room and the great room are the last territories standing. Help me, Flylady, you’re my only hope!

On the brighter side, ten years and four children later, I have a waist again! I noticed it this morning when I was getting dressed–a definite indentation above my hipbones. It’s not that I was overweight or anything, but being roughly the shape of a 2×4, anyone’s misguided belief that I have had a waist at any time in the past decade just goes to show the power of skillful optical illusion. But now, I have a waist again! Or at least the beginnings of one.

That’s all. Over and out.

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