
Little Brother Drew

If you are interested in art, mysticism, tradition, religion, and the realtionship between all those things, you may be interested in my little brother Drew’s fledgeling blog.

How funny do I find it that he named his blog “Little Brother Drew”? *snicker* Quite. I am bursting with big-sisterly pride. 😀

Seriously, though, it’s interesting stuff. Drew is a smart guy, and he knows his stuff when it comes to the relationship between art and, well, pretty much anything. In fact, his M.A. in Art (okay, that just sounds weird–a Master of Art in Art? Or is it an M.F.A.–I dunno!) makes him more educated than I am, but I am still smarter than him. Why?

Because I am THE Big Sister.


Maybe someday I’ll even be smart enough to figure out what sort of degree he has! 😀

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