
Arise the Dawn

Arise the Dawn, the metal-core screamo (yeah, that’s really the genre’s name!) band Aaron is producing, will be playing at the Encounter in Duluth at six ‘o’ clock this Saturday. Come see what all the noise is about!

Seriously, whether or not this style of music is your cup of tea (or Red Bull, as is more apt in this case), these are some of the nicest, politest (is that a word?) hard-working and talented teenage boys you could ever hope to meet. This is not your typical high school garage band–these boys are scary talented and musically tight. So if you have nothing else going on this Saturday, why not zip over to the Encounter at 201 E. First St. in Duluth and check them out!
Full disclosure: bring your earplugs and stay clear of the stage, in case Beau, the kid in the nifty neckercheif, starts doing flips off of it again! 😀

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